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Andrea Zangiacomi

Network Member
Andrea Zangiacomi
City, Country
Milan, Italy
Social Media
Affiliated organisations
Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing - Italian National Research Council
Description of VR/AR/MR interest, experience, expertise
I work as a researcher at CNR-STIIMA and my interests in this field are mainly related to the impact of AR and VR technologies and solutions on organisations, and interaction design, both in the Manufacturing and Health sectors. I have been involved in national and European projects implementing AR and VR applications for cognitive reabilitation in elderly and cognitive stimulation in children with special needs. My activities are connected to the design and validation of applications.
Fields of VR/AR/MR interest/expertise
Education and Training
Medical Applications
Reasearch and Development
Serious Games
Years of experience
6 - 10 years